Beauly Angling Club AGM 24th November 2022

1:Apologies: Charlie Simpson, Mike McDonald, Ewen Robertson.

2:Approval of AGM Minutes from 2021: Jim Braithwaite, Dave Sellers

3:Matters arising not on the Agenda: Loch Faddah: The committee will be contacting the owners regarding permissions to fish on the Loch next season as advised through George Fraser.

4: Accounts: See attached spreadsheets for the finances and costs. The Treasurer said we appeared to be in a good position. General reports was that the Junior section is carrying the Club forward, as paying members are reducing. The finances were good because there was a large donation from the parents of Juniors.
An entry for the Downie finances in the accounts was explained to a new member.

The new rental from Lovat Estates will rise to £2400 +VAT for next season. Further discussions will take place after the river has been re-assessed next year.

5:Report from The Chair: Iain Morrison said the Club finances appeared good, but membership was down a lot even from a year ago – 33 current senior members in 2022 down from 40 in 2021, whilst the Senior Citizens remained much the same with the Junior members rising above 30. The Junior section has been a great success and Iain commended the work of Yorky and Karl in bringing on the Juniors.

Tickets sold for the River and Firth: River Day tickets 16 (23 last year)Firth 13 Season and 2 weekly tickets. The Firth appears to be fishing better this season.

Despite a legal requirement and notes to remind members (Rule 15) about making a Return, 9 members had not competed their Returns. These members will face a £5 surcharge on re-joining next season.

Iain said that the River would remain as Category 1 next season. Lack of fish this year could be due to the height of the water throughout the best parts of the fishing period and lack of members being able to fish the Beats safely.
Catches for the Season: Salmon 3 Sea Trout 63
Grilse 3 Finnock 115
Iain also thought we could look at renewing the lies in beats 1 and 2 for the fish to stop on route towards the dams. This was last attempted in the early 2000’s but subsequent flooding and high water have moved rocks and gravel around, filling the lies. This would require discussions with SEPA and the bank owners.
Back to the Juniors, thanks were offered to Yorky for managing to raise a sizeable donation from the parents of the Junior members. Wendy Harpe also had success with a request from SSEN for funding and the club should receive £4000 to cover 2023-2026, for which she was thanked. Thanks were also given to John Szarkiewicz for organising the Junior Shield and the fly boxes as prizes for a successful Junior Competition. Yorky and Karl were applauded for their organisation of the successful Junior Fishings.

Iain mentioned the Junior Day on the Coul Water and how impressed the ghillie was with one of our Junior members.

6:Competitions and Prizes:

Junior Shield: Joint first Charlie McDonald & Murray Mackenzie, Alasdair Vickers came 3rd.
Senior Shield: Jim Braithwaite 3lb 3oz
The Tom Mightens Sea Trout Cup: Mike McDonald 2lb 4oz

The Matheson Cup: Charlie Simpson 8lb 8oz

Loch Watten: George Eccleston heaviest Bag: 5lb 5oz
Neil Drummond heaviest fish 2lb 4.5oz

7:Election of Office Bearers:
Chair: Iain Morrison was voted back as chair – John Szarkiewicz, Neil Mackenzie supporting the vote.
Tresurer: John Brocklehurst was voted back in working alongside to organise the on-line banking part of the accounts.
Secretary: Paul Summerlin was voted in as Secretary.
The committee were all returned with Neil Mackenzie returning as Vice-chair and Competitions secretary. A new membership secretary will be needed to be discussed at the first Committee meeting.

8:Proposals for revised rules and constitution: Because of the rises in costs for everything, an increase of £5 was sought for the cost of a permit for Seniors, Associates and Senior Citizens. £5 would be added to the cost of a River Permit for visitors with the Firth permits remaining as they are currently: £85 for Seniors, £45 for Senior Citizens and £105 for new Members.
The addition of the under 16 rule being added to the permit was discussed and agreed. The under 16 rule was raised due mainly through insurance cover and that many of the beats can be notorious for fast and rapidly rising water. General Rules for Junior fishing will be discussed and ways of migrating competent fly fishers onto the River.

9: Members Proposals: None

10: Any Other Business: A new member asked about the key to the Ferry- he was not aware that the Club had access through the gate.

Dave Sellers was presented with a lifetime Membership and flowers for his Wife Carol in thanks for all the work he did as Secretary since 1998.

11: Proposed date of the next AGM and first Committee meeting
It was discussed and decided to hold this 30th November 2023. The first Committee Meeting to take place Monday 28th Nov 7pm at Neil’s.

Post AGM presentation:
The Beauly Fishery Board, Biologist and Bailiff.
Ali Skinner gave a talk on the work of the Water Bailiff throughout the season along the Beauly system and of his work with Ruth Watts the biologist. Ruth continued with a talk on her work to remove invasive species and to check progress on the runs of fish, access for smolts and parr and work on the upper reaches of the Beauly system.
Iain thanked them both for their contribution to the meeting and to those attending.

BAC Committee Meeting Minutes22nd September 2022

1:Members Present.
Iain Morrison, Neil Mackenzie, Derek Maclean, John Brocklehurst, Karl Brocklehurst, Paul Summerlin.


Charlie Simpson, Jim Braithwaite.

3:Approval of Minutes.

4:Junior Fishing, Junior Competition and Senior Competition.

Yorky passed out a prepared piece about the Junior Fishing history from when Paul Pacey was Chair on through to Wendy Harpe, with on-going support and maintenance to provide fishing for Junior Members. He wasn’t happy after the last meeting as the costs put forward by club members were much too high. Yorky said that it had been agreed historically that Junior sessions would be covered by the club. He also advised that he had been able to secure funding from the parents to cover costs so he could take on extra days of fishing with the Juniors, against the advisement of the Committee. He said funding from SSEN over the next 3 years would be available. He asked for the authority to run the Juniors and had been running Sunday Fishing a lot more than was asked after the previous meeting when the Committee thought there was no money left to run the Sunday fishing. Yorky advised that we always had money for fishing improvements such as lies in the beats, stocking Loch Fadda so we should have some available for the Juniors. It was agreed that the Club would continue to support Junior Fishing with funding as required if outside monetary support was not readily available. Rules will need to be put in place for next season.

Yorky and Karl will be holding a Junior Competition 25th September 11 – 2pm at Orrin Lochs for all the Juniors who have been regular attendees this year. This will be over one day only. Numbers are very good and there have been a few Juniors recently join the Club. Yorky agreed that these very new members could attend but wouldn’t be in the competition.

The Junior Fisher Cody Tinney from the Club at the Coul beat was commended by the Ghillie John MacAskill. John said he was a very proficient Junior and was very impressed by his casting skills. All the Juniors showed good skills and were a pleasure to ghillie for. The Raffle for tickets achieved £2100 for the Missing Salmon Alliance.

Senior Competition at Geddes Lochs was well attended and a good evenings fishing. Jim Braithwaite won the Shield for the heaviest fish with Mark Shand winning the raffle and John Szarkiewicz taking the raffle prize given by Geddes fishery manager.
Neil mentioned that Loch Watton’s competition may be in doubt next year as the current owners of the Loch are selling.

5:Anti-social behaviour

Galbraith Co. contacted the Club to advise of anti-social behaviour at Tarradale. 2 vans were speeding down the lane to the car parking near the bottom and were abusive to a tenant who went to talk to them. This behaviour is not condoned by the Committee. We have the number plates of the 2 vehicles and would like to hear from the owners about their actions that day.

6:River Board update.

Jim Braithwaite was not able to attend and give his update this time.

7:Seal sightings application.

Ruth Watts the Biologist at Corfe Buildings has given the links to an app to record seal sightings – details are on the website. The population at the mouth of the Firth seems quite high and she wants to know of any seals in the River system.
Ruth has also been applying for funding to eradicate invasive species like Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam. If successful, she asks if the Club are able to assist with the removal of knotweed etc. after the contractors have done their work.

8:Loch Faddah.

Yorky has seen George Fraser and has the contact details of the Erchless Factor regarding fishing next year on the Loch. Iain, Jim and Yorky will be in discussions before the end of the season with the factor.

9: Corffe Buildings Update.

Joiners and builders have been busy at the old office but it is not occupied yet.

10: AGM date and changes to the permit.The AGM is planned for Thursday 24th November 7:30pm in the Garden Room at the Lovat Arms. Permit changes will be discussed.

11: AOB

A newsletter for the end of the season will be distributed.

Next meeting? To be decided after the AGM.


Minutes of the BAC Committee Meeting Thursday 16th June 2022

1:Apologies: Derek Maclean, Charlie Simpson

2:Approval of Minutes: Approved by Iain Morrison
Seconded: Jim Braithwaite

3: Junior Fishing Days: Yorky advised us that the donation from SSE was running out. Wendy Harpe is writing a letter to the new manager at SSE to ask if they would like to donate again for the Junior Fishing projects run by Yorky and Karl. The Fishery Board have no money in their education fund to offer, but Jim Braithwaite will talk to the biologist Ruth about any projects she may be running suitable for Juniors – electro-fishing, river management etc.
The Committee discussed the on-going costs of having a Sunday fishing at Orrin Lochs. Working out around £125 per session with an average of 8 juniors per session, it was agreed with Yorky and Karl to hold 3 more Sunday sessions this season on the final Sunday of each month. These will be on 26th June, 28th August and 25th September. Nothing in July due to the school holidays.
It was agreed we would ask parents for a donation to the Junior Fishing for next season and question our local councillor to see if funds are available within the community.
We could hold the Junior Competition on the 28th August for Fly and Bait catches, most of the Juniors are now able to fly fish. Jim Braithwaite will organise some prizes.
The club will also keep 2 of the 5 rod sets which were purchased for the juniors, as most of them have their own tackle now.

4: Bidwells. Following a successful opening to the season on the Downie beat, the first portion of the levy has been paid with the second part due in September. There is a new accounts manager at Bidwells who has been sending timely invoices and receipts.

5: River Board and Trust:
Jim Braithwaite reported on the recent meeting he had with the Board and Trust. The Chairman of the Board has resigned leaving numbers low for the Trust which still needs Trustees even though ‘mothballed’, Jim agreed to be co-opted as a trust member. The Trust may have monies to be distributed if it is not re-formed.
Jim is to ask about the calculation method for the rates for next season and check if if the rates for the Club and riparian owners are comparable.
There are now at least 3 lifts per day at the Kilmorack dam with updated equipment. A new counting system has been installed both in Beauly and at Pitlochry requiring some fine tuning for accuracy. Monies are being spent on Corffe offices for the biologist Ruth and Ali the bailiff as a temporary office and there are plans to perform an aerial survey of the Beauly system to check the gravel and spawning beds and for the incursion of invasive species – Himalayan Balsam etc.

6:Matters not on the Agenda:
Loch Fada – Yorky has not been able to contact anyone yet but will continue to try and find out if we could fish the Loch.

Competitions – Neil Mackenzie had some profit from the Loch Watton competition to give to the Treasurer. The winners were George Eccleston with the heaviest bag of 4 fish at 5lb 5oz and Neil Drummond with the biggest fish at 2lb 41/2oz.
At Loch Meig the Beauly Angling Club team came 3rd.
The Senior Competition will be held 28th or 29th July but the venue has not been decided yet but likely to be either Stoneyfield or Laggan Lochs.

5: Next Meeting: 22nd September 2022 7pm at Cruivend House.

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Thursday February 3rd 2022

Present. Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Charlie Simpson,
Neil Mackenzie, Iain Morrison, Karl Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Derek Mclean, Yorky Brocklehurst.

Apologies. None

Approval of Minutes Prop. Paul Summerlin.
Sec. Charlie Simpson.

Bidwells The Downie Beats, commence Feb 11th 2022 but we will hope to be having a Piper, Yorky to sort this out, and I have been to the Glen Ord distillery and they have given us a bottle of their Malt for us at the opening day. I have passed the Bill for the Downie Beats to Yorky and he will be sending them a cheque.
David was asked to send out an email to the members to remind them about the “Opening Bash” at the Downie beat Fishing hut on Saturday 12th Feb at 11am. There will be hot and cold drinks, a dram of Glen Ord Whisky for adults and to toast the river a Piper, if Yorky has got this sorted ! Warm Sausage rolls and Cluity cake as usual!
David will have copies of the Permit Renewal forms for any members who haven’t re-joined yet and they will be able to give them to John Szarkiewicz for their Permit.
Iain said that the key for the Downie Fishing Hut was in the box at the side wall of the hut, the code number can be given to the Fishers by asking Dave, and members are given the combination for the BAC car park Lock by Lovat Bridge when they rejoin the club.

Loch Fada: Yorky to have a word with George Fraser, asking him about a possibility for members to fish the Loch for “Free” There may be a problem as 2 companies own half each of the fishing rights !!

Downie Beat road, this has recently been repaired for the first 400 yds from the Tar to Gravel.
David to ask 2 or 3 members if they would like to be in the Downie beat syndicate as there are 2 0r 3 slots available.
Jim Braithwaite has been to extra meeting with the River Board, it is now “Frozen” and there may be some money available that could be allotted to the Junior fishing days but this is not there yet !!

The Ferry road. There have been some trees fall across the road blocking access to the Fishing beat. Iain Morrison and Ewen Robertson cut them up to pull them off the road to clear a way to the Ferry Beat ready for the new season.

Meeting closed.
Next meeting 16th June 2022 at 7pm.

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 8th December 2021.

Members Present. Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Charlie Simpson, Neil Mackenzie, Iain Morrison, Karl Brocklehurst, Apologies. Jim Braithwaite, Derek McLean.
Approval of Minutes and AGM. Prop. Paul Summerlin.  
                                                               Sec. Charlie Simpson.
Proposals for Revised Rules and Constitution as agreed at AGM.
Colour of Booklet to change
1 Committee Meetings Monthly as needed.
2 Membership. • Senior Members £80 • Senior Citizens £40 • Intermediate (16-25) • Youngsters (up to 15years) Free • New Members £100.
3. Rules: 11 Catch Returns to be moved to Rule 15 and all others then move up one. Addition of wording: Failure to make a return will result in a £10 Fine and may result in the loss of membership.
Delete The Ferguson Trophy Change Beat 3 (Teawig) to “Wendy’s Beat” Exchange Tickets Change from Wendy to John Szarkiewicz.
Day Tickets ( Stays ) £20 for the river
Available Through Wendy Harpe, 18, Croyard Drive, Beauly IV4 7EE        Beauly 782631 Email
Opening of season Friday 11th 2022 but we will hope to be having a Piper and Dave will ask Glen Ord distillery if they can give us a bottle of their Malt for us at the opening day and a Banner for the hut. Dave will also try to get a Photographer from P and J.
Loch Fada. One of our members asked if we would be going to find out if the members could have fishing there again, Karl and Yorky to get in touch with the owners.
Downie Beats Dave is going to reply to Bidwells and tell them we would like to have the Downie beats same price as previous season.
Meeting Closed
Next Meeting Thursday 3rd February @ 7.00pm at Neils

MINUTES Of BAC Annual General Meeting
Friday 3rd December 2021 at the Lovat Arms Hotel.

Apologies Yorky Brocklehurst , Ewen Robertson F Durdle.
Number Present 12.
No Minutes for last year Due to Virus.
Matters arising not on Agenda NONE
Accounts Passed :            Proposed : John Szarkiewicz
                              Seconded: Paul Summerlin.
Chairpersons Report.         Wendy Harpe gave the members her last report as she is retiring due to poor health and “Old age” but will still be able to act as the club’s agent for visitors who wish to fish the river by selling them the Day tickets from her home at Croyard Drive in Beauly. Wendy told the meeting that 11 of the members failed to send in their catch returns and will be fined £10 – to be added to their 2022 membership fee when they re-join next season.
The returns as follows.
      Salmon: 2
      Seatrout: 8
      Finnoch: 198
The low returns were blamed on the water levels and temperature.                   Proposed. Jim Braithwaite
            Seconded Dave Sellers.
Watten. Comp Winners were Loch Achonachie A.C
The Mathesons Trophy Winner was Frank Durdle 5lb 8oz
The Tom Mightens Cup Winner was Mike McDonald 2lb 8 oz BAC
BAC Competition Shield Jim Braithwaite.
Election of office bearers.
Chairman Iain Morrison.    Prop.Jim Braithwaite        
                                                      Sec Paul Summerlin.
Vice Chairman Neil Mackenzie  Prop: Paul Summerlin
                                                              Sec Dave Sellers.
Secretary Dave Sellers  Prop: John  Szarkiewicz
                                                     Sec Karl Brocklehurst
Treasurer: We are waiting to see how Yorky goes on with the Doctors but he was voted as Treasurer in the interim.
Remainder of Committee: Paul Summerlin, Charlie Simpson, Jim Braithwaite, Derek McLean, Karl Brocklehurst.
Proposals for Revised Rules and Constitution.
Rule No 11 Catch Returns. To be moved to No 15 and All others then moved up one!
Price of SENIOR MEMBERS £80.  Prop: Paul Summerlin
                                                           Sec: John Szarkiewicz
SENIOR CITIZENS £40        Prop: Jim Braithwaite                       
                                                             Sec: Dave Sellers
INTERMEDIATE(16 to 25) £20     Prop: Wendy Harpe
                                                             Sec: John Zsarkiewicz
YOUNGSTERS(up to15 years) FREE  Prop: Dave Sellers                                   
                                                                 Sec: Karl Brocklehurst
NEW MEMBERS £100          Prop: Jim Braithwaite               
                                                                 Sec:   Neil Mackenzie
DAY TICKETS “Stay” at £20 for the River  and will be available through Wendy Harpe, 18 Croyard Drive, BEAULY IV4 7EE     Beauly 782631
FIRTH TICKETS also ‘stay’ at £45 for a season ticket and £20 for a week. These will be available from Graham’s in Inverness. 

The Beauly Fishery Board. Jim Braithwaite will be going to the next meeting and will report back to the Committee. He said that he was impressed with the new Bailiff (Ali Skinner) who has made 400 patrols of the river this season and caught several people fishing without a permit and some fishing with a net and the Police called out to arrest some!!
AOB Allen Hill asked the committee if there was any chance of the club being able to get permission to fish Loch Fada again. The committee will look into this and also try to find somewhere else to have competitions other than Tarvie!
Date of Next A G M The Date for Next years A G M to be decided in new year and will notify the membership when decided, likely to be early December.
The meeting Closed with Wendy Harpe being presented with a bunch of Flowers for being the Chair and hope that she will still help the Committee if we need any advise.
Tight Lines.