Senior Competition July 2023
The competition took place on Loch Achilty, 22nd July 2023 running from 5pm to 9pm.
8 Boats were entered so 16 BAC members took part. Achilty was stocked and there was a promise of a huge fish, however most boats landed fish between 2 and 3 lbs apart from Toby Hardwick’s winner at 3lb 7.5oz. An excellent evening and many thanks to our host Mark on Achilty Loch.

Ewen Robertson again has sent in some photographs. These are taken from Achilty and Lagg and show what we may expect to catch at our Seniors Competition on Achilty Lochs Sat 22nd July:
The first two are of Alexander Forbes catching his biggest rainbow at Lagg. He is a new Junior member. Also featured are Billy Tinlin, Jim Braithwaite, Huw Thomas and Ewen himself, taken at either Lagg or Achilty.

Ewen Robertson’s Tours of the BAC Beats Continued Sunday 30th April 2023:
Ewen started at Wester Lovat, where Beavers are present – a small pencil shape from a felled sapling was found. They’re now present in several parts of the BAC Water. This is for the right bank fishing.
Then on to the Ferry Area, where the Log Pool, Jocky Dan’s, the Ferry and Hercher’s Ford were considered. This is left bank fishing. BAC have keys for the gate, which will allow you to drive down to the Ferry Pool.
The Mealloch is a very long pool, which is accessed from Maple Vale, and which is usually fished from the left bank. A hydrographic Survey of the pool revealed that the bottom generally sloped uniformly from shallow water on the left bank to very deep water on the right – possibly to 5m – before rising steeply to the embankment.
Finally, Beats, 1, 2 and 3 were viewed and discussed, from Lovat Bridge as shown in the photos taken below. They’re mainly right bank beats, however a little of Beat 1 can be fished from the left bank. It is the most dangerous of the three beats, and should be avoided in high water, when the old piles can’t be seen.
Members should have access to Tide Tables and should be aware that a modest 3.6m tide only reaches Lovat Bridge, hence fishing need not be unduly interrupted on that occasion. The fish can come in front of, with, or after the tide.
Ewen also said a little about Firth fishing as well.
At the end of the tour at Lovat Bridge and getting through the woods to the Mealloch with Billy, Gwyn, David and Alan.
Ewen Robertson’s Tours of the BAC Beats.
Ewen invited any members who wished for a tour of the Beats for an early start at 9am on Wednesday 12th April 2023. John Fuller and Alistair Goldie joined Ewen for the tour
They visited Wester Lovat beats and worked their way down to the Mealloch to find their path made difficult by a fallen tree – to be taken out as soon as Ewen can organise a squad!
Anenjoyable tour although they had a lot of ground to cover as Beats 1 -3 were covered as well as the Log Pool, Jocky Dan’s, the Ferry Pool, and Hercher’s Ford – very comprehensive!

Opening Ceremony February 2023
Pictures from our members and friends of events and points of interest taken throughout the year.
Last update: 12th February 2023.