December 2024 The River remains as Category 1 for the 2025 season – this has now been re-classified as ‘Good’ by the Fishery Boards, but the rules for catching and keeping fish apply from last year and are detailed in the Permit for 2025
December 2023 Again the category of the River remains as Category 1. Please follow the rules in the permit for Catch & Release for the 2024 Season.
December 2022
Category of the River for the 2023 season remains as Cat.1.
Seal movements within the river are closely monitored. Please quickly report any sightings to a committee member, or use the links on the Home page.
Useful Phone Nos.
Ali Skinner River Bailiff 07786 741482
SEPA 01349 862021
Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust email:
Lottery Nos
Conservation Policy for 2021 Season follow that from 2020:
How can salmon be recognised at the different stages of their life? Fresh-Run Salmon Recognised by the pristine condition and bright silver flanks. Fish straight from salt water have loose, easily detached scales and many carry sea lice which drop off within a few days. Hen salmon (illustrated) have a tiny kype on the lower jaw, but unlike cocks they retain normal head proportions while in the river. Maturing ‘coloured’ Cock & Hen Cock: The combination of “tartan” colours is typical although shades vary – the fully developed kype, used in fighting rivals, and the enlarged adipose fin, are the most consistent indicators of maturity. Hen: These are usually less coloured than cocks of similar age and they never have enlarged jaws. This one will have spent a few weeks in river or estuary – note the coloured head and lack of true silver flanks. ‘Unseasonal’ Cock & Hen in Breeding Dress Cock: The combination of ‘tartan’ colours is typical although shades vary – the fully developed kype, used in fighting rivals is the most consistent indicator of maturity. Hen: This is a summer fish – ‘springers’ are often darker by spawning time while late entrants may still be silver flanked. Fully mature hens have soft, swollen bellies and spawning is imminent if they also have protruding vents. ‘Unclean’ Kelt Kelts are salmon which have spawned. Usually identified by the thin shape, distended vent and presence of “gill maggots” on the red gill filaments, they are often encountered by anglers in spring when they regain a silvery appearance and can be mistaken for fresh run ‘springers’. Kelts must be returned unharmed. (Illustrations used with permission from the Atlantic Salmon Trust