Last Update January 2023:
The following items are for sale by members of the club.
The club takes no responsibility for any statements and conditions, terms of sale are entirely between parties.
Please email the Beauly Angling Club with your interests.
Out Club Secretary has a number of Fishing Books for sale, titles include:
1.Game Fishing in Scotland ,the complete anglers guide, By Bruce Sanderson £10
2. The Atlantic Salmon , a 1st edition by W M Shearer £10
3. Hooked on Scotland, Edited by Paul Young £5
4. John Veniard’s Fly Dressers’ Guide. £10
5. What the Trout Said, the Design of Trout Flies & other Mysteries £10.
6″.Fishing Flies”, a practical guide to the craft of fly tying, by Martin Ford
” Lovely Colour” £10
7.Muriel Foster’s Fishing Diary, by Patricia King ” Like New” £30
The Club have a very few copies of Nigel Houldsworth’s prints of the Beauly River system:This maps shows all pools from the side they fish best, with beat boundaries and illustrations of various pools. Printed on white paper to a size 9 x 24 inches. See Nigel’s website for more details: Map of the River Beauly
These are available from the Club at £20 plus postage (around £4.00 for the UK at current rates) no postage when collected in-person from the club secretary, Fernlea, Cruivend, Beauly. IV4 7BE
Tel:07746 581833
Club Badges are available for £4 + £3.35 p&p.
They can be collected in person from the club secretary, Fernlea, Cruivend, Beauly. IV4 7BE
Tel:07746 581833
Also for sale are Car Stickers. These are free to members or £1 for replacements.